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1:1.38.2-12.el7_6.2Pino Toscano - 1:1.38.2-12.el7_6.1Pino Toscano - 1:1.38.2-12Pino Toscano - 1:1.36.10-6Pino Toscano - 1:1.36.3-6- Fix inspection of partition-less devices resolves: rhbz#1673280- v2v: update documentation regarding SHA-2 certificates in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 resolves: rhbz#1632788 - v2v: fix rhev-apt firstboot command for Windows resolves: rhbz#1625216- Rebase to libguestfs 1.38.2 in RHEL 7.6. resolves: rhbz#1551055 - v2v: warn about unknown VMware controller types resolves: rhbz#1510801 - df: show correct sizes in human-readable mode for filesystems with block size = 512 resolves: rhbz#1525262 - v2v: fix example URL in man page resolves: rhbz#1540535 - Fix SELinux relabelling when the SELinux config has no SELINUXTYPE key resolves: rhbz#1541525 - Fix qemu-img-ma dependency in non-x86_64 architectures resolves: rhbz#1568676 - v2v: update "resume=/dev/sdaX" entries in GRUB command lines resolves: rhbz#1532224 - v2v: fix virtio-rng and memballoon OVF fragment for RHV resolves: rhbz#1550168 - v2v: detect whether the root filesystem was not mounted in read-write mode resolves: rhbz#1567763 - v2v: import OVAs with snapshots resolves: rhbz#1570407 - v2v: ship a newer version of rhev-apt.exe resolves: rhbz#1571237 - Move the osinfo-db dependency to libguestfs-tools-c, since it's the only place where it used now (by virt-builder-repository). - v2v: new 'rhv-upload' method to stream images directly to oVirt/RHV using oVirt REST API resolves: rhbz#1557273 - Start lvmetad earlier when booting the appliance resolves: rhbz#1581810 - v2v: fix kernel detection in Ubuntu guests since 18.04 resolves: rhbz#1591248 - v2v: convert the CPU topology correctly resolves: rhbz#1541908 - Add a new inspect_get_osinfo API, and add its result to the output of virt-inspector resolves: rhbz#1544842 - Pass absolute paths to NBD sockets when using the libvirt backend resolves: rhbz#1588451 - v2v: do not write only without in libvirt XMLs resolves: rhbz#1591789 - v2v: depend on nbdkit, nbdkit-plugin-python2, and nbdkit-plugin-vddk, used for -it vddk, and -o rhv-upload resolves: rhbz#1589776 resolves: rhbz#1608718 - v2v/p2v: disable on aarch64, since it is not supported (nor even working) there resolves: rhbz#1601488 - v2v: handle srN devices in libvirt XML (for virt-p2v) resolves: rhbz#1612785 - Do not use the -cpu parameter under any circumstances for ppc64le. resolves: rhbz#1605071- Rebase to libguestfs 1.36.10 in RHEL 7.5. resolves: rhbz#1472272 - Build against OCaml 4.05 resolves: rhbz#1447981 - Enable the copyonread flag when running the appliance using libvirt. resolves: rhbz#1466563 - Make sure kernel-rt is never used as Requires. resolves: rhbz#1471651 - v2v: disable unconfiguration of manually installed VMware tools. resolves: rhbz#1477905 - v2v: prefer pigz or pxz for uncompressing OVA files, if available resolves: rhbz#1448739 - resize: handle empty UUIDs for swap partitions resolves: rhbz#1482737 - v2v: remove mention of --dcpath in an error message resolves: rhbz#1486197 - Disables the QEMU image file locking when opening disks as read-only resolves: rhbz#1417306 resolves: rhbz#1503497 - Briefly document the format used for URIs resolves: rhbz#1450325 - v2v: deal with grub2 configurations without a default set resolves: rhbz#1472288 - v2v: warn when a guest has passthrough devices resolves: rhbz#1472719 - v2v: fix three regular expressions resolves: rhbz#1494555 - v2v: enable conversion of full-disk LUKS-encrypted Linux guests resolves: rhbz#1451665 - v2v: new 'vddk' import method resolves: rhbz#1477912 resolves: rhbz#1513884 - Enable libguestfs to work on z Systems resolves: rhbz#1479526 - p2v: fx check for sudo requiring a password resolves: rhbz#1500673 - v2v: handle disks with snapshots in vCenter resolves: rhbz#1172425 - rescue: backport improved version resolves: rhbz#1438710 - v2v: improve bootloader detection resolves: rhbz#1508299 - v2v: parse MAC address of network interfaces in OVF files resolves: rhbz#1506572 - Unconditionally depend on libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 3.9.0-1, which will always pull the right qemu-kvm too, and thus remove the unversioned dependencies on it resolves: rhbz#1500870 - v2v: fix RPM file owned test resolves: rhbz#1503958 - Do not open read-only disks using in the libvirt backend resolves: rhbz#1518517 - v2v: handle better when grubby does not report any default kernel resolves: rhbz#1519204 - v2v: enhance vmx import method to access via SSH resolves: rhbz#1523767 - builder: fix caching of templates when using --cache-all-templates resolves: rhbz#1523650- Rebase to libguestfs 1.36 in RHEL 7.4. resolves: rhbz#1359086 - v2v: always use names for libvirt pools resolves: rhbz#1141631 - v2v: correctly find GRUB in RHEL UEFI guests - v2v: uninstall VMware tools packages from guests resolves: rhbz#1155150 - v2v: install RHEV-APT only when using -o rhev/-o vdsm resolves: rhbz#1161019 - New API: btrfs-filesystem-show resolves: rhbz#1164765 - p2v: always enable debugging when running virt-v2v resolves: rhbz#1167623 - libguestfs prefers virtio-pci on aarch64 resolves: rhbz#1237250 - v2v: make sure to copy all the driver files on Windows resolves: rhbz#1255610 - Better tolerate corrupted Windows hivex; bump the hivex BuildRequires and Requires to >= 1.3.10-5.8.el7 resolves: rhbz#1311890 - v2v: ignore all the environment variables for proxy when exporting from vCenter resolves: rhbz#1354507 - virt-sysprep can deal with full-LUKS encrypted guests resolves: rhbz#1362649 - All the tools have bash completion scripts. resolves: rhbz#1367738 - v2v: do not remove Processor and Intelppm nodes in Windows guests resolves: rhbz#1372668 - Fix SELinux relabelling in old RHEL 6 guests, by adjusting a broken regular expression in file_contexts file resolves: rhbz#1374232 - v2v: set all the properties on creation when exporting to Glance resolves: rhbz#1374405 - v2v: set hw_video_model when exporting to Glance resolves: rhbz#1374651 - v2v: fix OVA conversion as root using the libvirt backend resolves: rhbz#1375157 - Various improvements and fixes to the documentation resolves: rhbz#1377081 resolves: rhbz#1390876 resolves: rhbz#1398070 resolves: rhbz#1425306 - v2v: support and resolves: rhbz#1378022 - v2v: allow libvirt >= 2.1.0 for vCenter conversions resolves: rhbz#1379240 - p2v: enable mnemonics in the GUI resolves: rhbz#1379289 - Split virt-p2v, and the tools for it, in an own package: virt-p2v-maker resolves: rhbz#1382275 - Correctly parse mount options in btrfs entries in /etc/fstab. resolves: rhbz#1383517 - Read secrets from libvirt domains, when inspecting them resolves: rhbz#1392798 - v2v: add --vdsm-compat=1.1 flag for VDSM resolves: rhbz#1400205 - Fix inspection with UsrMove and /usr in a separate partition resolves: rhbz#1401474 - v2v: improve import compatibility with OVAs produced by AWS resolves: rhbz#1402301 - resize: allow URIs for the output disk resolves: rhbz#1404182 - Disable EDD when launching the appliance resolves: rhbz#1404287 - v2v: increase the memory allocated to the appliance resolves: rhbz#1418283 - p2v: switch from GTK+ 2 to GTK+ 3 - p2v: add dbus-devel as BuildRequires to disable suspension during the conversion - libguestfs-java: bump the java-headless Require to >= 1.7.0, matching the Build-Require, and the generated bytecode resolves: rhbz#1364518 - Do not try to use/write to /var/cache/yum & /var/log/yum.log - Bump ocaml-findlib-devel BuildRequires to >= 1.3.3-7.el7, because of RHBZ#1403897 - v2v: remove --dcpath & --dcPath from --help output too resolves: rhbz#1429430 - v2v: force VNC as display for -i disk, as SDL is not supported resolves: rhbz#1372671 - v2v, p2v: rename rhvm network to ovirtmgmt resolves: rhbz#1429491 - v2v: when exporting to local disk, check that UEFI firmware is installed before conversion resolves: rhbz#1429506 - dib: actually generate SHA256 checksums when using --checksum resolves: rhbz#1430184 - v2v: do not mention SUSE Xen hosts as supported resolves: rhbz#1430203 - v2v: depend on OVMF/AAVMF, for converting EFI guests resolves: rhbz#1429643 - v2v: use absolute path when using an OVA as backing file resolves: rhbz#1430680 - v2v: support Debian/Ubuntu guests resolves: rhbz#1387213 - sysprep: remove DHCP_HOSTNAME entries resolves: rhbz#1427529 - v2v: avoid repeated "run virt-v2v -v -x" message on error resolves: rhbz#1167623 - bash-completion: add script for virt-v2v-copy-to-local resolves: rhbz#1367738 - v2v: fix virtio block driver installation for Windows 10 and Windows 2016 resolves: rhbz#1434737 - Replace the libosinfo dependency with osinfo-db, since we are only using the osinfo database. - v2v: fix virtio driver installation for Windows 8 UEFI resolves: rhbz#1431579 - v2v: new 'vmx' import method resolves: rhbz#1441197 - v2v: properly identify Windows 2016 guests when exporting them to RHV-M resolves: rhbz#1447202 - Run pvresize in non-interactive mode resolves: rhbz#1460692 - resize: make sure the input disk is read-only resolves: rhbz#1463714 - Switch qemu-kvm-rhev dependency to qemu-kvm on aarch64 resolves: rhbz#1463646  !1:1.38.2-12.el7_6.21:1.38.2-12.el7_6.21.38.2guestfs.hlibguestfs.solibguestfs.pclibguestfs-make-fixed-appliancelibguestfs-devel-1.38.2AUTHORSBUGSChangeLog.gzHACKINGREADMETODOcopy-over.ccreate-disk.cdebug-logging.cdisplay-icon.cexample-debian.xml.gzexample-fedora.xml.gzexample-rhel-6.xml.gzexample-ubuntu.xml.gzexample-windows.xml.gzinspect-vm.clibvirt-auth.cmount-local.cvirt-dhcp-address.cvirt-inspector.rngguestfs-building.1.gzguestfs-hacking.1.gzguestfs-internals.1.gzguestfs-testing.1.gzlibguestfs-make-fixed-appliance.1.gzguestfs-examples.3.gzguestfs.3.gzlibguestfs.3.gz/usr/include//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/pkgconfig//usr/sbin//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/libguestfs-devel-1.38.2//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share/man/man3/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu C source, ASCII text, with very long linespkgconfig fileBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executabledirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textASCII textUTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, was "ChangeLog", from Unix, last modified: Tue May 15 13:50:39 2018, max compression)C source, ASCII textXML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators (gzip compressed data, was "example-debian.xml", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 14 10:30:44 2019, max compression)XML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators (gzip compressed data, was "example-fedora.xml", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 14 10:30:44 2019, max compression)XML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators (gzip compressed data, was "example-rhel-6.xml", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 14 10:30:44 2019, max compression)XML 1.0 document, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, was "example-ubuntu.xml", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 14 10:30:44 2019, max compression)XML 1.0 document, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, was "example-windows.xml", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 14 10:30:44 2019, max compression)exported SGML document, ASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)RPRR?p7zXZ !#,S]"k%fkb1Os]?PzMgP"վpaLǝϳjUHwv1`}*VL,E7M?! *c"w IaȬ5M1Ld6 FRGғYGNV/,gvQ4ut!6$_% ';נqgy?v^57҂xgcř|P.s%H\`52ijG 4\@jX3d8 6I=/h7J8YAK\U$J}?W`m7D(!kJL?v9BҼ 98PN"0өIJNP*"dDvKW p/ 9 >}>p$ [#mp@c. 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